Airdesign Hero 2

New product

In Greek mythology, a hero is a character to whom remarkable courage and exploits are attributed and who has exerted a great influence on men and events.

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5'200.00 CHF tax incl.

  • Did we need to go back to time immemorial to talk about our light EN-D 2-liner built for adventure and distance?
    Absolutely not. Forget about the first heroes, with the Hero 2, write your own odyssey.

    Hero 2 – Go big or go home

    The Hero 2 opens a new chapter in the history of AirDesign. Innovative, it only shares the name and program with its predecessor. For the rest, the Hero 2 is a completely new 2-line construction benefiting from all our know-how acquired in recent years to make it a durable companion for distance hunters keen to keep a light rucksack. This is why we chose the hashtag #reborn and the claim “go big or go home”. Are you ready?